CAPNOT CAPNOT, l'Expertise Notariale

Legal Notice

CAPNOT is a network of 130 notaries and 560 employees throughout France. 
The head office is situated in RENNES – BRITTANY, FRANCE.

Publishing manager : Florence Krantz and Rémi Blondelle
Webmastering and contact : Florence Krantz and Rémi Blondelle
Email addresses:

The website is hosted by the company Idealice situated in 3 rue Charles Péguy, 67200 STRASBOURG, FRANCE. The general structure, texts, animated pictures, still images, sounds, graphic designs, downloadable documents, databases and all other elements of the website are the exclusive property of CAPNOT.

The entire website is subject to French and international legislation concerning copyrights and intellectual property. Names, brands and signs cited on this website are the property of their respective depositors. All use or reproduction, in whole or in part, of the website, the elements and/or information contained in this website, done in whatever method, is considered a forgery punishable under the Code de la propriété intellectuelle (intellectual property law).

However, the information proper to the website can be used by third parties under the following conditions: all information published by CAPNOT directly on the website, apart from the iconography, photos, videos, signs, logos and brands, can be reproduced, represented or diffused by third parties after a simple request to the webmaster, on condition that the source is mentioned. They can’t be used, though, for commercial or advertising purposes. CAPNOT reserves the right at any time, without prior notice and without explanation, to prohibit third parties concerned from using the information as defined above. In this case, it informs the concerned party who has to stop its activities within 8 business days.

The CAPNOT network(regroupement CAPNOT) and its logo are brands protected by trade mark rights. They are the exclusive property of the CAPNOT network. All other mentioned brands are the property of their exclusive owners.


The entire website is subject to French and international legislation concerning copyrights and industrial property rights. All reproduction rights are reserved. Complete or partial reproduction of this website on any other medium is prohibited without the express permission of the CAPNOT network.


Concerning all electronic correspondence addressed to CAPNOT it is important to know : 

  • The secrecy of correspondence sent via internet is not guaranteed. 
  • Electronic correspondence is electronically stored for the necessary time that the administration needs to process your request.  


The user is informed that cookies can be automatically installed on his navigation software when visiting the website. A “cookie” is a data package which doesn’t allow to identify the user but which registers information concerning his navigation on the website.

This process is intended to help CAPNOT to follow the user’s navigation history on the website in order to better meet the clients’ needs and to respond to their requests.   

We are using cookies to :

– store your access data. 

– identify you as you access our websites. 

– collect information which helps us to show you advertisement which is adapted to your interests. 

– store data concerning your navigation preferences such as your language, the font size, the  website’s presentation or preferred colors. All of this data shall help you to navigate on our website more efficiently, quickly and easily.

– collect analytic data, for example in order to count the number of the website users and to identify the websites you used the most. We use the collected data for advertisement purposes and for resource planning. 

– determine whether our clients and users adjust quickly to modifications of our websites.

Information collected by use of cookies : 

Cookies help us to collect information on how you use our website, but no other data, which allows to identify you personally, is collected. We only register a unique session ID which helps us to find the user’s profile as well as your preferences when you revisit our website.

Types of cookies :

– Session cookies : These cookies are temporarily stored on your computer or your device during the browsing session. They are deleted from your computer or your device at the end of the browsing session.

– Permanent cookies : These cookies are stored on your computer for a longer time. Permanent cookies help to identify you as we need to know for more than one browsing session who you are. 

Cookie management :

Most browsers have a menu that offers options to manage your cookies by configuring the cookie settings. In general, the browser offers the following options:

– show your cookies ;

– allow cookies ;

– deactivate all cookies, or only certain cookies ;

– deactivate all cookies when you close your browser ;

– block cookies ;

– receive an information when a cookie is installed.

Please note that in case you choose to block our cookies, most of the website’s functions will be deactivated (especially registration, the possibility to post comments and all other interaction) and your browsing might equally be affected. If you choose to adjust your browser settings in order to delete all cookies, your browsing preferences will be deleted when closing the browser.

Moreover, please note that our system will place cookies as soon as you visit one of our websites if you haven’t adjusted your browser’s settings in order to block cookies.

Detailed information on cookies :

Facebook Pixel  :
We use Facebook Pixel in order to measure the performance of our Facebook announcements. Read more about it on:

For more detailed information concerning the cookies and the expiration dates, please check Facebook’s privacy policy. 

Google Analytics : 
Cookies of Google Analytics – We use these cookies to collect data on how the visitors use our websites, including the site’s details and the visitor’s browsing history before accessing our website, as well as the total number of times the user visited our website. We use this information in order to improve our websites and our services, and to improve our users’ browsing experiences. The cookies don’t identify you personally. They anonymously collect information which is transferred to and stored by Google on servers in the United States in accordance with its privacy policy. For more information on Google’s privacy policy, please visit:

If you wish to have more information on the cookies and the expiration dates, please read LinkedIn’s privacy policy for more details.

Localization : 
This cookie stores the language version of the website the user visits.


The CAPNOT network authorizes all websites to create a link to the address      after simply notifying the webmaster. All such links are subject to prevailing legal provisions. The CAPNOT network reserves the possibility at any time, without prior notice and without explanation, to prohibit these links. In this case, it informs the concerned party who has to delete the link within 2 business days.


All mirroring and launching of this website by third parties by using another URL is prohibited.  


These terms of useshall be governed by, construed and enforced in accordance with French law. In the event of litigation, French courts will have exclusive jurisdiction.


Data concerning session cookies and permanent cookies is stored for a maximum period of 12 months for statistical purposes.

You have the right to ask the processing supervisor to access your personal data, to rectify or to delete it, or ask for limited data processing of the concerned person’s data. Moreover, you are entitled to oppose data processing and you have the right on data portability.

Furthermore, you are entitled to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.


The CAPNOT website as initially created is not intended to collect personal data of its visitors. It may, though, be possible that it might be required to do so in an accessory manner, in particular to send such visitors a newsletter,to realize statistic studies or to answer questions which are directly addressed to the website manager.                                                   In this case, CAPNOT undertakes to make no commercial use of the data with regard to third persons and to store the data only during a certain period of time strictly linked to the processing’s purpose.

The collected data is intended only for the use by the CAPNOT networkand its subcontractors in the fulfilment of their missions (in particular the site host). All subcontractor required on such an occasion to acquire knowledge of such data shall be subject to an obligation of confidentiality. They shall, in particular, refrain from using all or part of such personal data on their own behalf or from forwarding it to third parties.

According to the dispositions of article 38 from the law on Data Protection (« Informatique et Libertés ») Act of 6 January 1978, modified in 2004, the user is equally entitled to oppose, for legitimate reasons, the processing of his personal data, without any motif and at no expense, and to oppose the fact that his data shall be used for commercial purposes.

Access right and rectification right: On this website, users might be asked to indicate personal data which is object of automatic processing. If this is the case, according to the law 78-17 on Data Protection, Data Files and Individual Liberties of 6 January 1978 (articles 34, 39 and 40), persons of whom personal data is collected have an access, modification, rectification and deletion right concerning this data. This right can be exercised by writing a message, which mentions the subject “right of persons” (« Droit des personnes »), and joining the copy of the document proving the identity, addressed to the webmasters under the following addresses:

Moreover, whenever the data on this website is nominative, the data’s users have to use it in accordance with the applicable regulations and the French National Commission on Informatics and Liberty’s (CNIL) recommendation. You also have the right to give instructions on how shall be proceeded with your data after your death.


Photo credit : iStock – Agence Idealice – CAPNOT
Host : Agence de communication à Strasbourg IDEALICE