CAPNOT CAPNOT, l'Expertise Notariale


The CAPNOT nerwork is known for its expertise which is humain and digital at the same time.

The interaction between these two notions is the network’s center. All members are convinced that digital technology is beneficial for the development of the notarial profession and its expertise. Moreover, they consider innovation and new digital solutions being the key to serve the client in the best possible way. 

The CAPNOT’IMMO software illustrates this perfectly. It helps to draw up a standardized audit for a portfolio of real estate assets. It has been created by CAPNOT’s members and is entirely mastered by the network without dependence on external providers. Hence, CAPNOT is able to adapt the software permanently in consideration of the real estate sector’s actual needs.
Nevertheless, the CAPNOT network wants to improve further by constantly reflecting and updating its digital tools.

Audit immobilier notarial