CAPNOT CAPNOT, l'Expertise Notariale

Audit immobilier

Given the fact that a notarial office, even if it is of significant size, isn’t necessarily promptly able to work on complex projects (housing stock audits, transfers of real estate portfolios with numerous assets, etc.), CAPNOT has developed a common software for real estate audits which enables CAPNOT’s members to answer in a collegial and collaborative manner with rigor and effectiveness to complex inquiries : CAPNOT’IMMO.

Regardless of the portfolio’s size, CAPNOT’IMMO helps to submit a detailed audit report to the client based on a standard model that analyzes the state of affairs of the different aspects which should be considered. This report is uniformly processed by the network’s 700 notaries and employees.

Audit immobilier notarial

In order to ensure the audit’s quality, CAPNOT created this software in collaboration with the scientific support of Hugues Périnet-Marquet, Professor at the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas. The software is entirely mastered by the network which updates the audit regularly and which is, consequently, able to personalize the audit’s report in the necessary extent.

The real estate audit equally helps to centralize the project’s legal documentation by using an online data-room which can also be accessed and updated by the client, who is, thus, participating in the Building Information Modeling process (BIM).

Furthermore, innovative services network offers other innovative services in addition to the real estate audit (the interactive system Vente Notariale Interactive, etc.).